....just get over it

“I just need to get over it.”

I have had two friends say this to me recently in conversation.

My reply to both, “what if you don’t actually need to get over it?”

....say wha??

Here’s what I mean: these friends are working through some real shit, major life events that have brought up some heavy emotions.

They don’t want to feel ‘down’ anymore so they keep telling themselves to just get over it.

The problem is that life events stay with us for a long time, maybe our entire lives. Some things are not 100% ‘get-over-able’.

...and that is okay.

What we CAN do are things like....start the work to process & heal. Take excellent care of ourselves through the transition & beyond. Talk to people who love & care about us. We can learn to live with it & shower ourselves with empathy.

No sister, you don’t need to get over it.

You are perfect just the way you are.